Chapter 318 Kind-hearted Mrs. Brown

"Mom, it's our matter. You don't have to worry about it." Benson Brown reminded Mrs. Brown.

Mrs. Brown had already walked to the door of the dining room. After a pause, she left.

After dinner, Lynn Walker stayed in the living room watching TV with a bag of chips in her hand.

Mrs. Brown went downstairs with her servant, Fiona.

"Auntie." Seeing this, Lynn Walker quickly put down the chips in her hands and stood up to greet her.


Lynn Walker had thought that Mrs. Brown was just passing by the living room, but she didn't expect her to sit down in front of her.

"You are not a kid anymore. You should take good care of yourself. You'd better eat less junk food." Mrs. Brown couldn't help reminding Lynn Walker.

Lynn Walker was stunned. She didn't expect that Mrs. Brown would say such words to her.

"Okay, auntie. I will."