Chapter 321 An Adorable Daughter-in-Law

Elma White had planned to ask Jo Walker to build a relationship between her and Mrs. Brown, but now it seemed impossible.

Lynn Walker and Mrs. Brown didn't get affected by this matter. They went shopping in the mall and bought a lot of things.

After walking around for an afternoon, the two of them were a little tired. Lynn Walker took Mrs. Brown to a restaurant nearby for afternoon tea.

Not long after the two of them sat down, Benson Brown's message came in.

"Did you meet those people again?"

"How do you know?" Lynn Walker didn't believe that Mrs. Brown had said that. After all, she had been with her all the time and had no time playing with her cell phone.

"The bodyguard told me." Benson Brown was worried that they might encounter some problems when they went out, so he asked the bodyguards to go with them and report to him immediately if anything happened.

"I see. But it's nothing." To show that she was in a good mood, Lynn Walker specially added a smile emoji.