Chapter 327 Auntie Is Good

"Okay, I know. Thank you." Lynn Walker smiled at Fiona.

"Okay, you have some food. I'll go out first." Fiona thought that she should tell Mrs. Brown about Lynn Walker's situation, which might help her.

Lynn Walker had no appetite now, so she poured herself a glass of boiled water.

Just then, Beck William called in.

"It's me. What's wrong?" Lynn Walker knew that there must be something important.

"I just got the news that Elma White was sent to the hospital today. It is said that she had a stroke and hasn't woken up yet. I'm afraid she's in danger." Beck William didn't know what had happened to Elma White.

"Stroke?" Lynn Walker was surprised.

"Yes, I have sent someone to inquire about it. It seems that she fainted because of some stimulation, but no one knows what the specific happened." Beck William replied.

"Okay. Keep an eye on her. If you have any clue, tell me."