Chapter 329 Screamed Elma White

"Mrs. Walker, please calm down. The doctor will be here soon." The two nurses didn't dare to stay too close to Elma White, fearing that she would vent her anger on them.

"Are your doctors trash? Why did they make me like this? Is that all they have? If they can't, change another doctor for me now." Elma White shouted.

"There is something wrong with your leg nerves now. The doctor will come to treat you later. As long as you cooperate well, you will recover." The nurse comforted.

Elma White was very scared. She was no longer young and had been disfigured. If she was paralyzed, who else would be willing to take care of her?

Elma White's eyes were full of fear when she thought of the people she had seen before who were disabled. If she became like them, she would spend the rest of her life on the bed.

Just then, Jo Walker came in.

"Mom, what's wrong with you?"