Chapter 339 The Family Affairs Is in a Mess

Hearing the female voice on the phone, Jo Walker immediately guessed who answered the phone.

"Well, Aunt Jane, it's me, Jo." Jo Walker tried to suppress her unwillingness.

"Oh, what's up?" Jane Reid's tone sounded impatient.

"Here is the thing. Aunt Jane, something happened in my family recently, my mother is in hospital, and the company's situation is very dangerous, so I think..." Jane Reid interrupted Jo Walker before Jo Walker could finish her words.

"It's in trouble again?"

"Do you know how to run a company? You just took a large sum of money from me last month to fill in the debts, but now you come to me for help again. Do you think I'm a philanthropist?" Jane Reid was furious.

"Aunt Jane, we have no choice, so we have to ask you for help. Can you give us a little help?" Jo Walker kept a low profile, hoping that Jane Reid could agree.