Chapter 344 Meeting with Edson Walker

"Do you have a private room here?" Edson Walker asked the waiter.

"Yes, sir. Please go upstairs." The waiter gestured for Edson Walker to go upstairs.

After serving Edson Walker a seat, the waiter served a pot of tea and then left.

The environment of the private room was quite elegant. Through the window, there was a small balcony with many flowers and plants.

"Young master, Lucy Walker is talking with the manager in a box nearby. Miss Walker just left here not long ago. I think this restaurant must have something to do with her."

"Well, let's put it away for the time being. You go out first. If you see Sister Lucy, call her over." Edson Walker said to his assistant coldly.

"Yes, sir."

The assistant stood at the door and looked at the private room where Lucy Walker lived from time to time. He didn't walk forward until he saw someone come out.

"Miss Walker." The assistant said respectfully.

"Who are you?" Lucy Walker had no impression of the man in front of her.