Chapter 352 A Little Girl in Danger

Before Emily Walker could react, the knife pierced into her chest, and blood gushed out immediately.

At this moment, Elma White had lost her mind because of anger. She stabbed Emily Walker continuously and even scratched her face.

Emily Walker didn't expect such a thing to happen. Before she screamed, she was scared to faint.

Just then, the nurse opened the door and came in. As soon as she saw Emily Walker lying in the blood, she immediately ran out of the door and called for help.

"Help! Someone is killed! Help!"

Even though Elma White's behavior had been exposed, she didn't panic at all. She still stood there calmly, and her ugly face became more frightening because of anger.

"Didn't you say that I deserved to be disfigured? Now I'll let you have a taste and see how it feels to become an ugly monster. Since I don't have a good life, you won't live well either. It's you who forced me to do so." After saying that, Elma White burst into laughter.