Chapter 364 A Family Gathering

After thinking for a while, Lynn Walker decided to go there.

"Okay. Send me the time and address. I'll be there soon." Lynn Walker finally agreed.

"How about tonight? I'll send a driver to pick you up." Edson Walker said politely.

"No, thanks. I can go there myself. Send me the address." Lynn Walker didn't think that it was necessary to pick her up.

"Okay, I'll send it to you now."

After Lynn Walker and Lucy Walker agreed, Edson Walker immediately reported the news to Jane Reid. She was busy cooking in the kitchen and asked the servants to prepare more dishes.

When Alan Walker went downstairs, he saw Jane Reid was busy in the kitchen.

"Jane, just leave the kitchen to the servants. You can have a rest in your room." Alan Walker didn't want Jane Reid to work too hard.

"How can I? Lucy and Lynn will come here tonight. Of course, I have to prepare more dishes." Jane Reid was reviewing the menu.

"Are they coming?" Alan Walker asked in confusion.