Chapter 369 An Exciting Auction

For all the items tonight, no one present knew their values. If he was lucky enough, he might be able to find it out. But if he was not lucky enough, he would buy some waste at a high price.

"Judging from the luster and color of this gem, it should not be an ordinary one. If we can take it down, maybe we can make a small fortune."

In this case, Lynn Walker missed Benson Brown a lot. If he was here, she could discuss it with him.

Of course, Vera Clarke didn't understand these things. She looked at Lynn Walker's confident expression, who was still murmuring.

"You can see that? So powerful?" Vera Clarke put her arms around Lynn Walker's neck and asked.

"Of course. Do you think I'm a fool who only knows to eat?"

Just then, someone pushed the door open and came out.

"The people in room No.29 are selling. I guess what they want is here. You must get it."

Hearing the man's words, Lynn Walker smiled. She was right.