Chapter 374 Being Restless Though Ill

"I've been very busy recently, so I don't have much time for you. Now I'm much freer. If you have anything, you can call me." Mrs. Brown exhorted Lynn Walker while keeping her movements.

"Auntie, are you free recently? How about we two go shopping and have some afternoon tea? We can watch a movie. There are several new movies. Are you interested in them?"

"Watch a movie?"

Mrs. Brown is not young anymore, and she rarely goes to the cinema to see a movie. Instead, she attended concerts with several rich ladies.

"Yes, if you want to go there, I'll see if there are anyone suitable movies." As Lynn Walker spoke, she took out her phone from her pocket.

As soon as Benson Brown opened the door, he saw Lynn Walker sitting on the sofa and playing with her cell phone, while Mrs. Brown, who was usually arrogant, squatted there to wash her feet.

Benson Brown didn't know when Lynn Walker and Mrs. Brown got along so well with each other?