Chapter 379 A Terrible Nightmare

Lynn Walker didn't know how she felt about the relationship between Alan Walker and his family

Before knowing the true relationship between the two sides, Lynn Walker had always been indifferent. After all, they hadn't contacted each other much, and she could try her best to avoid unnecessary meetings in the future.

But after knowing the truth, Lynn Walker's inner feelings gradually changed.

Just like when Edson Walker mentioned that Alan Walker and Jane Reid were in poor health, Lynn Walker was worried about them from the bottom of her heart.

Benson Brown had told her that Edson Walker was investigating this matter. She didn't know when they would know the truth. Maybe everything would be in chaos when that day came.

Before long, Benson Brown appeared at the door.

"What's wrong? Do you feel uncomfortable?"

As soon as Benson Brown entered the room, he saw Lynn Walker lying there in a low mood.

"No, I'm just a little tired. I want to lie down." Lynn Walker stood up slowly.