Chapter 386 Master Brown Is so Generous

Having worked for Master Brown for so many years, Robin Edward could guess what he was thinking. He still hoped that Benson Brown and Lynn Walker would agree with him.

"What do you mean? Do you mean that I'm not generous? If I were narrow-minded, how could I give those two commercial streets to them?" Master Brown rolled his eyes disapprovingly.

"Yes, Master did a good job. I'll send these things to young master right now so that he can be happy." Then Robin Edward went out with the dagger.

As soon as Robin Edward opened the door, he found that Mrs. Brown was standing at the door and about to enter.

Benson Brown and Lynn Walker were resting in another building of the villa, and their room was on the second floor.

"What's wrong? Are you still angry?" Lynn Walker sat down beside Benson Brown.

"If grandpa doesn't respect our opinion, then we don't have to respect his opinion." Mrs. Brown said with a cold face.