Chapter 390 An Irreparable Situation

"Anna, I'm afraid you have to settle this matter. Ask someone to block this news. Don't spread it before the matter is investigated." Mrs. Sean said to Anna Jones.

"You can rest assured about this. Master Brown also felt that it was disgraceful, and he had already asked people to block the news. Now they are all sitting downstairs. Let's go to see what's going on."

The news quickly spread to Master Brown's ears. The moment he knew the situation, a storm immediately appeared on his face. He smashed the two iron walnuts in his hands on the desk.

"What a shame! Can't they care about their children? How could such a thing happen in my house?" Bad luck was written all over Master Brown's face.

"The Sean family is still waiting for our reply downstairs." Robin Edward specially came to invite Master Brown to preside over the overall situation.