Chapter 396 The Relationship is Closer

The driver was a little uncomfortable being suppressed and began to struggle violently.

"Let go of me! Let go of me! If you keep doing this, I'll call the police!"

Lynn Walker snorted and tightened her grip.

"I just taught you a lesson. Can't you stand it? When you disrespected aunt, did you ever think how shameless you were to hurt the elders?"

"Do you think I will be afraid of your threat? The police will come soon. If you dare to do anything to me, you will be in big trouble." As he spoke, the man struggled hard, and Lynn Walker almost lost her balance.

Fortunately, Lynn Walker had been trained before. This kind of powerless man was not a threat to her at all. She could control him easily.

The man didn't expect Lynn Walker to be so good at fighting. He had no way back but rolled his eyes silently.

Lynn Walker looked at him coldly without saying anything.