Chapter 418 In a Bad Situation

Even so, Lynn Walker concealed her real thoughts and replied stubbornly, "I don't lack these millions."

"What if I give you the villa in the south of the city?"

Upon hearing this, Lynn Walker lit up her eyes. There was a very expensive villa in the south of the city. It was worth at least tens of millions, not to mention hundreds of millions.

As a result, Lynn Walker was a little tempted, but she didn't agree to Master Brown's request so quickly.

"I will think about it carefully, but you have to tell me what I should do, and then I'll consider whether I can answer it or not." Lynn Walker was also afraid that it would be trouble.

"Don't worry. I won't let you suffer any loss. You go with me this time. It's settled then." Master Brown made the decision himself.

"No." A cold voice sounded.

Lynn Walker turned her head and saw a man walking toward her.

"Why are you here?"

"How could I not know that you have made such a big mess here?" Benson Brown stopped in front of Lynn Walker.