Chapter 421 Internal and External Strife

"But, Miss. Sean, we also learned that Lynn Walker has been in touch with Edson Walker's family recently. Will she help them then?"

Susan Sean gave a faint smile.

"No, it won't happen. Lynn Walker will never help anyone unconditionally, not to mention that she and the Walker family have been treating each other as fire and water and shouldn't interfere."

"Okay, Miss. Sean. We will take this opportunity to teach them a lesson."

This time, Susan Sean had made up her mind to let Edson Walker get into trouble and leave A City dejectedly.

After staying in the hospital for so many days, Jane Reid finally recovered.

On the day Jane Reid was hospitalized, she couldn't help calling her father to ask him about the investigation.

"Lynn, how are you feeling now? Have you recovered? I heard from your mother that you are in hospital today and want to see you." An old voice came from the other end of the line.

"I'm fine. Don't worry about me."