Chapter 429 It's much easier to Speak It Out

After thinking for a while, Susan Sean tried to calm herself down. At this time, she really couldn't act rashly, or she would have to get herself involved.

At the thought of this, Susan Sean felt that this matter was at a disadvantage. It seemed that she had to let Yue Jie Technology go this time.

"In that case, we'd better keep this matter under control. You ask several people to send the money over and make some noise, be humble, and invite several reporters over."

After hearing what Susan Sean said, Devin Roth soon understood what she meant. Susan Sean was really smart. It was a good plan to kill two birds with one stone.

Originally, they didn't have any advantages. If they made such a fuss, most people would think that it was because Yue Jie Technology was against the rules and even beat people.

"Okay, I'll do it right away."

After hanging up the phone, a faint smile appeared on Susan Sean's face.