Chapter 431 Who Dares to Lay a Finger on My Brother

Moreover, as long as the problem could be solved with money, it was not a problem.

Those people couldn't use this method to continue targeting Yue Jie Technology. This time, they gave a building directly to Edson Walker.

Hearing this, Beck William nodded.

"The procedure is almost done, but we still need Edson Walker's signature. Then..."

Beck William was very considerate. It was more convenient to transfer this building to Edson Walker's name, so as not to cause any other trouble in the future.

At this moment, Lynn Walker suddenly realized that she was too rushed before and wanted to deal with the matter as soon as possible, without thinking too much. Fortunately, Beck William reminded her.

"How about this? You buy it in the name of the company first and use it as the future cooperation base of the two companies. Then you can move our technology department there."