Chapter 445 Put It Down

"Brother, you can't refuse me. Just go and meet her for my sake. I will inform you of the time and place after the arrangement. You just need to go there. I'm not sure if she likes you or not. Just take it as a dinner with a friend."

Lynn Walker blocked all the exits so that Edson Walker couldn't refuse.

"All right, Lynn. Arrange everything well and tell me the time and place." Edson Walker smiled helplessly.

Hearing Edson Walker's promise, Lynn Walker smiled with satisfaction.

"Really? Sometimes people have to work hard to take the first step to meet a better result."

Edson Walker couldn't help laughing when he heard Lynn Walker's words.

"Okay, I'll go."

"Okay. She has something to deal with these days, so I'll arrange it next week. You can have dinner together. To be honest, my friend is very beautiful and capable. You will like her."

Lynn Walker's words put a lot of pressure on Edson Walker. If he didn't like her, wouldn't he let her down?