Chapter 449 Eating Roast Duck

"Here is the thing. You and young master need to come back early tomorrow to worship our ancestors in the ancestral hall. I hope you won't waste time. What's more, master wants you two to receive the guests at home."

"Oh, okay. I'll tell Benson later."

"Okay, lady. Bye."

After Lynn Walker answered the phone, someone came and reported that a gentleman was waiting for her at the door.

Lynn Walker was also confused. She didn't have an appointment recently, and she didn't know who would come at this time.

"Let him in."

When Beck William came to her, Lynn Walker was shocked with her eyes wide open.

"Why are you here at this time?" Lynn Walker also took a look at her phone and found that she didn't miss any news about Beck William. It seemed that he wanted to give her a surprise

"Nothing. I just came here to tell you that I have dealt with all the things you asked me to do. I also told those rent men not to touch the pear tree in the yard."