Chapter 458 The Scapegoat

"We have never thought about doing anything to them, and we can't control their behavior. The relationship between you and Susan Sean does not just love. It's just her own choice to come to this point."

Benson Brown could tell that Lynn Walker was worried that she would vent the anger of the Sean family on her.

"Don't worry. Someone will deal with Susan Sean's matter."

Benson Brown's eyes were full of complex emotions. Lynn Walker couldn't guess what he was thinking at the moment.

"Benson, do you think that this matter was done by Susan Sean alone? Is it possible that someone has manipulated it?"

Judging from the current situation, Benson Brown and the Sean family were the most victims of this matter. Susan Sean wouldn't be so stupid to do such a thing.

"The situation is complicated. I can't make any conclusion now, but it's not as simple as it seems."

Benson Brown wasn't sure what was going on with Susan Sean.