Chapter 462 Grandma Is Not Satisfied

"It's okay. Just tell others. Come here now. I'll ask someone to prepare lunch for you. That's it. I'll wait for you at home." Then, Master Brown hung up the phone.

Hearing the busy tone on the phone, Lynn Walker shrugged helplessly.

Master Brown didn't give her any chance to refuse. Then why did he ask if she had any other arrangement?

Lynn Walker had planned to meet Vera Clarke and arrange a meeting with Edson Walker for him today, but now it seemed that she had no chance. She didn't know how the two were doing.

Although she was a little reluctant, Lynn Walker had no choice but to go back to the old house now.

When Lynn Walker returned to the old house, Master Brown had already asked people to prepare the shelf and shed, waiting for her.

As soon as Lynn Walker got out of the car, she heard Master Brown's voice.