Chapter 489 Give Her a Head-on Blow

Lynn Walker glanced at the bodyguard calmly and then walked into the tea room.

As soon as she stepped into the restaurant, she found that it was empty. There was no guest. Presumably, the restaurant had been booked.

Just then, a female bodyguard came over.

"Miss Walker, I'm sorry. Please cooperate with our work." Then she was about to frisk Lynn Walker.

In the face of such a situation, Lynn Walker was naturally not afraid at all, but these people were a little ridiculous. Did they think she was a bumpkin?

Seeing that the female bodyguard's hand was about to touch her body, Lynn Walker turned her body sideways.

"If Madam doesn't want to see me, then forget it. Why does she threaten me in this way?" Lynn Walker asked unhappily.

Lynn Walker's eyes were so cold that people could feel a chill from them. The female bodyguard beside her was shocked by her eyes and forgot to take the next step.

Even though Lynn Walker had said that, there was still no response from Madam.