Chapter 493 The Situation Was Very Special

"What's wrong? Did I hurt those bodyguards and upset you? Did your grandmother blame you?" Lynn Walker asked cautiously.

"Oh, I didn't mean to do that. But those people are annoying. Next time I will control myself and won't hit them so hard." Lynn Walker comforted Benson Brown.

Lynn Walker kept nagging, but Benson Brown remained silent.

"Why don't you say anything? Do you think I've gone too far? Or do you think I don't respect your grandmother? I can't control myself, but your grandmother's words are harsh. I have no choice."

Lynn Walker said for a long time, but Benson Brown didn't respond at all. So she just turned his face to look at him.

"Now that you know she is not kind to you, you'd better not show up. Why do you still come here in person to make trouble for yourself? Didn't I tell you before? You can ignore these."

Lynn Walker didn't agree with Benson Brown.