Chapter 503 Dangerous Situation

After learning the news, Beck William figured out what had happened.

"If their boss died, only a woman and a son who had just grown up were left. How could the subordinates submit to the public? Presumably, they all wanted to take advantage of this opportunity to rule the company. Back then, we were able to do business here so safely because of their help. If the situation here changed, our path would be ruined."

Beck William didn't want anything bad to happen here, whether it was for friendship or interests.

In this case, if they continued to delay, they would suffer more losses. If they failed to deal with the matter here, they would suffer a lot.

Thinking of this, Beck William didn't say anything and finally made a decision.

"Well, sort out what has happened these days and send it to Miss Walker as soon as possible. In addition, I always feel that it is impossible to have anything to do with the matter here. Tell her about the situation here."