Chapter 505 The Situation Here Is Very Bad

Lynn Walker didn't know much about the situation here. She had to get a general understanding of it first.

"Yes. Miss Candy has been here all the time. Do you need to find her now?"

"Well, just call her to the villa later. I'll see her there."

"Yes, sir." After receiving the order, the subordinate immediately took out his mobile phone and was about to contact Sarah Candy.

When Lynn Walker's car arrived at the villa, it was already afternoon. She could see from a distance that Beck William was waiting for her outside the door.

Beck William was still in poor health, so he couldn't stand still. A bodyguard was taking care of him.

"Lynn." Seeing Lynn Walker get out of the car, Beck William hurried forward.

Lynn Walker saw at a glance that Beck William's arm was wrapped with thick tape, and she could see the blood from it. It must be badly injured.