Chapter 529 Is He Crazy

"How could this be? Are you crazy? Why don't you listen to me? Why didn't you tell me earlier?" Lynn Walker couldn't help but roar with anger.

"I'm sorry, Miss Walker. I wanted to report to you, but Mr. William refused and took our phone away. So I don't know how to contact you." The subordinate was also quite annoyed.

Lynn Walker took a deep breath and sat down slowly, trying to calm herself down.

"Which hospital are you in now? You must ask the doctor to keep him alive. I'll be there right now." Lynn Walker said anxiously.

After knowing more about the situation, Lynn Walker hung up the phone.

After a while, she called someone in.

When Lynn Walker changed her clothes and went downstairs, she found that all her clothes were ready.

"Young lady, are you going out in such a hurry? Mr. Brown told you to stay at home this morning. Don't go out. It's not safe outside." The servant reminded Lynn Walker.