Chapter 537 I Don't Deserve Her

"No, you don't have to worry about me. I won't think about it." Beck William's voice sounded desperate.

Beck William couldn't imagine that a proud woman like Lynn Walker, if his parents came to her for such a thing and said something like that, then she

"Beck, don't be so resistant. We are doing this for your good. I hope you can have a better future." Mr. William persuaded.

"Well, for my good. You don't know what I want. You always have excuses. I don't care about any family property at all, and I'm not happy to stay in the William family. Lynn often asked me to be nice to you and let me understand you more, but you don't understand me at all." Beck William said dejectedly.

"Beck, don't say that. We have never forced you to do anything. We also hope that you can be happy."

Beck William didn't want to talk and hang up the phone directly.

However, what Beck William didn't know was that when he called, Lynn Walker was outside the ward and heard these words by accident.