Chapter 547 Make Arrangement

"But you should also be careful, father and mother. Don't exhaust yourself." Lynn Walker warned.

"Well, your father and I are not that fragile. This matter won't exhaust us. Don't worry about it. I will marry you out proudly. When I see you and Benson have a child, I can also take care of your child."

Jane Reid said, feeling bitter in her heart.

Until now, Jane Reid sometimes felt that it was as unreal as a dream. Their daughter, who had been lost for many years, was finally found back, and a good girl like Lynn Walker was their daughter.

Lynn Walker seemed to suddenly realize something and added.

"Well, mom, I don't care about these things. Now I only hope that you and dad can be with me, which is the greatest comfort for me. Now our family is reunited. You must protect your bodies well so that we can continue to live together."

Jane Reid took a deep breath with a smile.

"Yes, you're right,"