Chapter 556 She Is Missing

After a long time of silence, Ned Henderson regained his voice.

"If you want to die, you can do whatever you want. I won't interfere. But if you were so powerful, you wouldn't have been destroyed by them. You know Lynn Walker's ability very well. If you could deal with her, you wouldn't have been standing here with me now."

"At that time, it was Lynn Walker who supported David to rule you. You know this better than anyone else. I hope you'd better be careful when you speak in the future. I'm not interested in playing with you."

Ned Henderson said firmly.

"If you still want to cooperate with me, you have to listen to my arrangement for the following things." With that, Ned Henderson put his hand behind his back and looked at the lake in front of him.

Although Robert was angry, he had to hold back his anger.

In the end, they broke up in discord.

When Robert left, he happened to meet Shirley Lowell walking toward him.

"Mr. Robert." Shirley Lowell greeted.