Chapter 560 Avenge Her

"What does Mr. Brown want to do?" Ned Henderson squinted at the car in front of him.

"Don't worry, Mr. Henderson. Mr. Brown just wants to have a talk with you." The assistant stood in front of Ned Henderson and said.

"Oh, really? I feel that Mr. Brown is deliberately making things difficult for me." Ned Henderson said in a bad tone.

On the other hand, the behavior of the two was unpleasant. Because of Lynn Walker, Ned Henderson was in a bad mood, and now his anger was burning again.

"Mr. Brown always respects others. Mr. Henderson and our young lady have a good conversation just now, so Mr. Brown wants to come here to have a talk with you. As for the reason why we arranged such a scene, it is for Mr. Henderson's sake. After all, if we are not considerate enough, it will make you unhappy."

When Ned Henderson heard the assistant's words, his face became more and more gloomy.

His guess was right. Benson Brown came to Lynn Walker to vent her anger.