Chapter 562 Don't Make Him Worry

Although Lynn Walker's injury was not very serious, it was still pain. She would probably recover after a few days of rest.

"Don't tell Benson later. Tell him that I got it by accident." Lynn Walker knew what kind of person Benson Brown was. If he knew that she fought with Ned Henderson, he wouldn't get over it.

"But, Miss Walker, you are injured so badly. Will Mr. Brown believe it?" The bodyguard thought that Benson Brown wouldn't believe it so easily.

"Don't worry. I'll handle it later."

The bodyguard nodded helplessly and continued to treat Lynn Walker's wound.

After cleaning up, Lynn Walker felt a little tired, so she asked the driver to send her back to the villa.

Leaning against the back seat of the car, Lynn Walker closed her eyes and fell asleep soon.

Benson Brown wanted to pick up Lynn Walker in person, but when he arrived at the dock, Lynn Walker had left, so he rushed back to the villa.

When Benson Brown came back, he didn't see Lynn Walker.