Chapter 564 Being Stupid Without Knowing It

"Mr. Henderson, what are you worried about? Lynn Walker is just a nobody. Are you unwilling to deal with her, or are we unable to fight against her?" Shirley Lowell couldn't help asking.

Hearing Shirley Lowell's words, Ned Henderson got furious at once.

This woman was so stupid that she couldn't understand after he said so much.

Ned Henderson didn't want to waste time on her. He lowered his head and closed his eyes again.

Shirley Lowell thought she was right about what Ned Henderson was thinking, so he didn't want to answer.

"Mr. Henderson, what am I guessing right? You don't want to deal with Lynn Walker. Why do you have such an idea? Lynn Walker is your opponent and enemy. It's because of them that the Henderson family has suffered such a great loss. How can you be soft on her? Last time you gave her that precious dagger. It's too ridiculous."