Chapter 588 Speak out Your Mind

Ned Henderson thought for a while and then came back, "But the market here is so large, you can't monopolize it all by yourself, right? Even if I agree, no one else will be willing to."

It had to be said that what Ned Henderson said was also what Lynn Walker thought.

"That's right. That's why I hope you can agree to cooperate with me. We can gain a firm foothold here first, and then gradually grow bigger. When the government is telling the truth, we can almost quit." Lynn Walker said straightforwardly.

"To tell you the truth, the market here is really big. I can't eat such a big cake alone, and there are eyes everywhere staring at this place." Lynn Walker said calmly.

"Then why don't you choose to cooperate with Benson Brown? It's easy for you two to develop together." Ned Henderson poured a cup of tea for Lynn Walker.