Chapter 592 Let Me Be Your Godmother

At this moment, somehow, Sarah Candy's eyes turned red with tears.

"Okay." Sarah Candy's voice was a little vague.

Seeing Sarah Candy like this, Lynn Walker felt a little sorry for her, and then took a piece of tissue.

"What's wrong? Why are you crying? Does your wound hurt? How about I call a doctor to check on you?" Lynn Walker asked with concern.

After a few seconds, Sarah Candy slowly shook her head and replied, "I always hope to have a daughter like you. Every time I see you, I will have such an idea."

Hearing this, Lynn Walker smiled.

"It's not appropriate for me to be your daughter at my age. Besides, isn't it good to call you sister?" Lynn Walker said with a smile.

"I'm much older than you. I have taken advantage of you."

Sarah Candy sniffed and said, "Lynn, how about I do your godmother from now on? I want a daughter like you."