Chapter 598 I Can Afford It

Lynn Walker had long dreamed that she could have a happy family, and children were indispensable in it. It would be best if she could have a son and a daughter.

Hearing what Lynn Walker said, Benson Brown chuckled and put his hand on her belly.

"I'm just afraid that you might be hard. I don't hate children. As long as they are our children, I will like them." Benson Brown said sincerely.

"That's good. I like children very much. And we two are the only children, and we don't have a brother or sister to accompany to grow up. It's quite lonely."

Speaking of this, there was also a flash of hesitation in Benson Brown's eyes.

"Everything has its advantages and disadvantages, and there will always be an unacceptable side. I think you should be very clear about the matter between father and Bernie Walker," reminded Benson Brown.

As expected, Lynn Walker didn't know how to respond to Benson Brown's words.

Then, Benson Brown spoke again.