Chapter 602 That Woman Wants to Die

"I don't think we can count on Master Matthew, or he wouldn't have chosen such a path. Even if he could survive this time, I'm afraid that Master Brown and Benson Brown won't let him go easily. He will inevitably go to jail." The man reminded her kindly.

"Okay, I know. I know what I'm doing. Be careful. I'm leaving." After saying that, she quickly left the man's sight.

The assistant soon got to know that Susan Sean had left the hospital. He sent his men to look for her, but they didn't find her.

In this case, the assistant had no choice but to call Benson Brown. At this time, he did not care what day it was today.

At this time, Benson Brown and Lynn Walker had prepared gifts and were about to pick up Mrs. Brown and rush to the Yu family.

Seeing the vibrating phone, Benson Brown quickly answered it.

"Hello, it's me."

"Mr. Brown, Susan Sean escaped from the hospital." The assistant's mood fluctuated slightly.