Chapter 605 The Conversation Between Friends

"I think that Ned Henderson also has his considerations. If we don't fight against each other as before, we may even cooperate in the future." Lynn Walker told her plan to Vera Clarke.

"Cooperate?" Vera Clarke widened her eyes in surprise.

"Well, the market in K city is large and the water is deep. I can't handle it all by myself, so I plan to cooperate with Ned Henderson. It's better to have one more friend than one more enemy."

Vera Clarke was stunned for a few seconds and then nodded.

"It seems that Ned Henderson is also a smart man. He knows how to deal with things. I thought there would be a difficult process between you, but I didn't expect it to be solved so soon." Vera Clarke even felt that there might be other reasons for this. It was abnormal that everything went smoothly.

"Yes, you are right. But it was all because of Shirley Lowell. If she hadn't been against me on purpose and killed herself in the end, maybe we haven't reached an agreement yet with Ned Henderson."