Some Details(Subject of Changes/Add)

A/N: The geographical position of each Empire and Kingdoms are like the world map. Meaning to say, the map of Deimos is the same as the world map so, anyone could easily know and follow where the characters are currently in.

Soon, I'll make a list of each Kingdoms and Empire's position. (Major one only)


Original Mana - The source of all life on Deimos and the Original Energy. It is also serve as an Experience Points. The more Original Mana the characters get, they would level up faster and get stronger.

Elemental Mana - As the name implies, it is talking about fire, water, terra(earth/ground), air and some other elements. When the child were born, he/she had an Original Mana on the body but if the Original Mana was immense it will get matured on the body, forming an Elemental Mana.


Ranking of Classes of both Combatant and Production Class (To weak to strongest)

Ordinary Class

Rare Class

Epic Class

Legendary Class

Mythical Class

Ancient Class



Strength - It talks about the attack power and raw strength of each character.

Defense - As the name implies, it talks about the defense/health the characters had and how many attacks they could endure/receive in battle.

Agility - Talks about the speed(accelerate, decelerate, quickly stop or change direction, dodge any possible attacks immediately).

Dexterity(only available in Production Class) - Talks about the expertise of Class. The higher Dexterity, the more expert and efficient on the Class

Example: A Blacksmith Class if have a high Dexterity, the work produced would be durable, firm, stable, and good. Also could produce a minimum amount of time.

While the Blacksmith who has a low Dexterity is the opposite, the work produced would be crude, weak in durability, and unstable. The time required to produce is long.

Flexibility(only available in Production Class) - Quickly adapt to the new change. The higher the Flexibility, the quickest to adapt.

Example: The Blacksmith who's going to change from making swords to armors. The higher the Flexibility, the more quickly could adapt. The lower is the opposite, it would take some time.