×Chapter 101×God Empress ....

*Dxd World*

*Haile House*



Haile was already back home by now, he was sitting on the couch with Guhna who was sitting on his lap feeling happy that she got to have her Lord for herself once again since Xenovia went to the pantheon.

."Don't you think you should start training as well, Xenovia might end up surpassing you, even though you have better techniques but abilities and power can overcome that, her abilities are looking quite nice."Haile said as he watched the tv and massaging her ass gently.

Guhna rubbed her face into his chest."But I don't want to lose this chance, no matter what she can't beat me, I will not bring shame to the position of True God's Guardian."She said soft but a heavy and loud determination was within her voice, her will was at its highest point.

."If you say so, but unfortunately I will be calling Aika over to spend the night with us."Haile said with a smile at how she stiffen up.

Guhna had a frown on her face but within her eyes there was a thoughtful look.'If that pervert comes over then I will definitely get a chance to have sex with my Lord, this may be a good opportunity for me, it is only right that he have us all at the same time.'She thought in her mind, she had remembered how the other men of power were in the forest back home, it was some kind of sacred thing.

."Come let me call her."Haile said as he glanced towards the bedroom and his right eye glint golden and the phone floated out the room and infront of him, he took it up and dial her number.






.""Hello, Haile?"".

Haile smiled."Hey Aika, it's me, I call just to see if you want to come over for the night, I'm here with Guhna."He said to her.

.""YES...*ahem* I would love to, Guhna will be there huh, alright I guess, I'll see you in a minute then"".

."Do you even know how to get to my house, I can't remember you ever coming straight here."Haile said with a raise eyebrow as Guhna started grinding on his lap, seems she was getting jealous of him talking to another girl with her there.

.""Yes actually, I had asked Rias to Teleport a few minutes from your house then I left a lust construct there in the form of a rock, I can use that to find your house as I know the general direction"".

."Oh..I see..ok then, well, I guess see you soon?."Haile said to her, he must give her little praise, she is always prepared for anything.

.""Bye bye darling Haile *kiss*"".


Guhna had a grumpy look on her face, Haile pat her leg gently."Come on Guhna, this is for your Lord, now anyway let's have a little play by the time she comes~."He said with a smile as he kiss her neck.



*Unknown Familiar Pantheon*

In a sub realm of Gods, with hell like fire beneath, floating islands and lightning and thunder rolling in the sky, this once semi peaceful land was in chaos, on one particular large island with a large population.

.""Oh no, this is a nightmare, it has just been confirmed by the true Gods, the king is dead, the Godking of our great pantheon is dead!!!"".

On a small podium stood an old figure shouting to a large crowd of people, these are the citizens of this pantheon, all of them are the descendants of the descendants of the descendants of Gods with humans and other weaker races, after millions of years they could barely be call even demigods.

The crowd of people hearing this news and the rumors had been confirmed these beings went into a panic like headless chickens.

.""What how can this be, this impossible!"".

.""No no, someone killed him, a true God wouldn't just die like that, I call foul play!"".

.""This can't be happening, he was not sick or old!"".

.""Must be the work of another pantheon!"".

.""There must be a reason for this, North Island Chief Nos what will we do now that our king is gone, what if other pantheon's take this as a chance to attack us in our weaken grieving state!"".

At this everyone went silent and they switched there vision to the elderly man on the podium who was looking at them calmly.

The elderly man look to be up in his 70s, he had gray beard, moustache and a head full of white hair going to his neck, he was dressed in a black and white suit without the tie, he had a cane and a coat drapped over his shoulders looking like a great commander.

."*Sigh* I've already spoken to the East, West and South Island Chiefs but we all came back with nothing, in the end we are only solider, so all we can do is wait on orders from above."The elderly man name Nos said as he looked up to a larger and more beautiful island higher up, that was the land of the TrueGods, mere demigods like him only Got to visit once in a blue moon.

The crowd started to talk and whisper amongst themselves.

Chief Nos sighed.'I'm getting to old for this, I'll entertain one more war then that is it for me, I'll retire.'He thought to himself.

As all this was going on high in the sky on the island of Gods that the most powerful Gods come to once every millennium to discuss important topics, in a hall it was deafening silence and only the sobs of a single person could be heard.

.""*Sob* *sniffle* i-i-i can't *sob* *sob* I..I never *sob* thought I would *sniffle* ever have to be haa to be the one to reside over this grand ceremony"".

At the head of the hall infront of the most powerful Gods sat a beautiful woman bawling her eyes out, she was on a smaller of two thrones, this woman was Raeh who Haile had met before.

All the Gods and Goddesses there hearing her speaking and sounding so broken, there hearts ached for her, all they could do was send there regards.

.""My Queen, I'm so sorry you had to go through this hardship my condolences, but just know that I have your back no matter what, I will always be in your corner"".

From the group of Gods a robust middle aged man in his 40s walked forward, he was dress in fantasy medieval silver armor and long green cape covering his entire back and right side, he had full beard and hair all black, his eyes were blue in color as they got darker and lighter from time to time.

Raeh was surprised, this was her husband's most trusted general."*Sniffle* General Moda, I'm glad to see you arriving, thank you for your kind words."She said sadly as she wiped her tears, this is someone that can ruin her plans.

General Moda felt sorry for her hearing her soft brittle voice, he felt a rage burning in his soul."My Queen, did word come back from the doctors about his cause of ah... passing, I suspect something fishy."He said as he took a deep breath to calm himself, he made sure to choose his words carefully.

Raeh started to cry again as a disgusted look flashed in her eyes."Yes *sob*, I-I can't believe one of our own would do this, I have indeed found out what happened, my husband was poisoned by the God Destroying poison, a poison that could only be made by using the fluid of that same person you wanted to kill."She said with rage.


The Gods and Goddesses took in a deep breath as they heard the shellshocking news, General Moda clenched his teeth."My Queen, who is it, who is the one so brazen."He said as a brown aura coated his body and his muscles bulged as veins popped out.

."I have him here, the bastard, I don't even want to hear his name mention in my presence, Guards!."Raeh yelled out to a pair of large stone doors with a boil rage that everyone could feel.


The two doors opened slowly as three beings came in, two was standing and one was being dragged helplessly with tears running down his face.


The beings of Divinity Gasped once again at who it is everyone was in shock at who it was, General Moda stood with over casted eyes."YOU, how could you embarrass me like this, betraying the pantheon, my own son!!!!!!."He shouted as his voice echoed out into the hall with invincible power as even the other Gods felt uncomfortable with just the aura he was leaking.

."Fa-ther *sob* please believe your son, it wasn't me, I'm being framed, I didn't do anything."

The young man that was being dragged looked no older than 30, he had long black hair to his back no beard and an extremely handsome face, he was dressed in a long white robe that was now dirty from being dragged across the floor.

General Moda looked at his son in disappointment."You have saddened me greatly, what you have done is unquestionably the worse crime in our pantheon history, i have forgiven you time and time again as I understand it was your Divinity taking hold as you are the God of Sextual pleasure, but now this has gone to far, you have not only shamed yourself, you have shamed me, from now on you are not my son, I never knew you."He said as his eyes grew cold and unforgiving.

."No please father, I'm innocagggg!."

The young man's mouth was gagged at Raeh's word.

."This man was the one who killed my husband, this disgusting creature, do you know what he did, you all know who he is, the God of Sex, this Low down scum of a man late one night had transformed himself into a woman with his transsexual power and seduced my husband using his weakness, he took his semen and made it into that Forbidden God slaying poison and fed it to him in another sextual encounter killing my husband, he had done the unthinkable, this is unforgivable."Raeh said as she looked angrily at the man on the ground crying.

Everyone was surprised as they looked at the young man, they knew of Zeus reputation so it didn't seemed that for fetch.

Moda looked at his once son and shook his head, he deserved no pity.

."General Moda, I'm sorry that this unfortunate circumstance happened to you, in favor of your long years of service I cannot lessen his punishment of death, body and soul but I can give you the right to decide how that is carried out."Raeh said as she wiped her red eyes.

Moda looked surprised as he looked up at his queen, he realized what she is doing, he bowed his head gratefully."I thank you my Queen, I have chosen, I wish to execute him with my own hands."He said as he looked to his bastard on the ground crying.

."You brought this on yourself, but I have also raised you wrongly, I brought you into this world so I will take responsibility and take you out."Moda said as his eyes glowed brightly as his body started to enlarged as his aura surrounded him.

.""*Mm* *Mm* *Mm*!!!."

Muffled screams could be heard from the young man as he looked at his father with betrayal, all he saw in his last moments is his own father's gigantic fist, fist that once protected him now taking his life.


General Moda's fist connected with his son's body and turned his body into a bloody mist and that mist into nothing as even his soul and Divinity was pulverized in an instant.

The entire island shook violently as if through a storm, the other Gods looked at him in awe at his great power, he was not the Gods trusted aid and one of the strongest Gods for nothing.

General Moda continued looking at the spot where he put his son to rest, he clenched his fist.'That is all I can do for you, give you a painless death.'He thought as his heart trembled slightly.

."I'm sorry you had to do that General Moda, forgive me for that."Raeh said sadly as she looked at him.

General Moda looked at her, she was to kind."No my queen it was my fault, I failed him as a father, my queen as the great General of our pantheon and right hand of the Godking, in his passing I am now without a master so I offer me and all that I own to you, 25% of the entire pantheon's military is now yours, as he would want, I accept you as my God Empress, all you need is the support of 15 other Divinities and the part of the pantheon your late husband ruled is yours."He said as he glanced at the rows of Gods and Goddesses who looked hesitant, they all have people who they favored.

."N-no I can't do that General Moda, I'm not worthy of such a position, please find someone more suitable for the roll and can best lead us."Raeh said as she looked slightly flustered.

All the Gods and Goddesses in the hall were stunned, the queen was truly selfless, how could they even entertain the thought of knocking down such a woman, such a selfless queen, all the Goddesses sighed feeling an inferiority.

.""I vote for you to be God Empress!"".

One young looking Goddesses stood up and voted, she had great love and respect in her eyes as she looked at Raeh, the others saw this and started contemplating seriously.

.""I vote for you as well"".

One by one various Goddesses got up to vote so far they were the only ones getting up but as they were not alot of Goddesses that can make it into the most powerful it was numbered at 12, she needed 3 more votes to get in, all of the men were silent.

One of the Gods grit his teeth but couldn't stand the pressure and stood up voting, because of him one more that was hesitant God up as well but after that none of the others budged.

General Moda frowned."Why is no one else getting up, what is the reason for this, is this a coup, do I need to order some executions?."He said angrily seeing none of then stand up.

."General Moda, you have to understand, we are all great Gods here, all worthy of the title Godking to a certain degree, I'm not knocking down any of the Goddesses but as a pantheon mostly comprised of men I don't think we would be comfortable with this, there is 3 of us here who is as powerfull as her not including you, so I just feel it inappropriate and a bit degrading for me to kneel before her, try to understand."

A man sitting in the back stood up and walked forward, he was another robust man just a slight bit smaller but not for a definite result, he had a short black beard and short black hair on his head along with green eyes, he was dressed in the same outfit as General Moda.

."So it's you, General Nam, were you the one who put them up to this, aren't you to old to be wanting to be Godking."General Moda said with a sharp tone.

General Nam chuckled and shook his head."That is the thing, I don't want to, I want you to be the Godking, you are more powerful than me, not by a lot but still more powerful than me and you are also a man that I respect deeply and I feel comfortable leaving the pantheon to you."He said with a smile on his face.

Raeh had a nervous look on her face as she bit on her nails, this could go really badly, she looked at General Moda hoping he wouldn't accept, who could deny such power, especially after she had him kill his own son.

."General Nam, the nerve of you, do you think I am such a man like that, I have already given my word and I shall not break it, my words are weighted more than my life itself."General Moda said with a disgusted look in his eyes to think a general would even suggest that.

General Nam frown."Moda think this though, if you become the Godking you can have everything you ever want and needed, Ultimate power and also if we don't vote she can't become the God Empress."He said with a smirk, he won either way.

."Alright that power means nothing to me, it cannot compare to my values and honorable nature, Nam, I will cash in that favor that you owe me from 1.899356721 million years ago, don't think I forgot."General Moda said seriously as he looked at him.

General Nam was shell-shocked."The fuck, how the hell you remember all that shit, I can't even remember where I slept last night, do you really want to cash in such a valuable favor for this."He said irritated, he should had just gone to see the Godkings brothers and ask them to be Godking instead.

Everyone else was shocked at this development as well, Raeh was the most shocked, she had thought that everything was out of control but it seems Haile's love was on her side after all.

."Damn, *sigh* your regret not mine, if later down the road you suddenly regret not taking this chance then don't come to me, I have already pledged my loyalty to the God Empress, All hail!."General Nam got on a knee and knelt to Raeh.

General Moda smiled happily and got on his knee as well."All hail the God Empress!."He said to her, he was happy for her.

Raeh started to feel slightly bad for him, but then she thought of who she was doing this for and the guilt disappeared immediately.

.""All Hail the God Empress!!!".

Everyone in the hall knelt to her, Raeh smiled, she had succeeded, the first step to being with her beloved."Thank you all very much, send out a few messengers to inform my brothers About what had transitions here today and also inform the people."She said loudly in a majestic voice she had grown over the years as queen.

."Yes God Empress, we will get everything sorted out and also begin your coronation, I will begin the preparations."General Moda said as he stood back up and bow his head before heading out.

Raeh nodded her head gratefully."Thank you all once again, I will head back to my room for a bit my heart is still grieving, I can't find it in me to be happy for myself."She said as she disappeared in flash of light leaving the hall.

Raeh Teleported all the way to her palace on her own floating island, she went inside passing by all the servants with a depressed look on her face, they move tactfully and didn't disturb her.

Raeh walked all the way to her room and went inside shutting the door behind herself and locking it, she set up a great barrier around her room and waited for a bit then set up 36 more then she waited again and just to be sure she put up 50 more, she wait then she finally relaxed.

She looked into the mirror sadly then almost instantly it disappeared."HeheheHAHAHAHA I DID IT I DID I DID IT!!!."She shouted in celebration as she jumped around the room and onto the bed, she hugged her pillow and rolled around with it.

."~Yes Mm Haile, I will come to get you soon, yes yes you're a bad boy bad bad bad boy leaving me like that, no no don't worry I forgive you already, just come back to me MmAhhhHNN you make me so horny~."She said as she kissed the pillow which had Haile's face on it which she created from memory.


."*Achoo* huh, who is talking about me."Haile said to himself as he looked up at a knock on the door, he smiled and got up with Guhna still in his arms.