*Dxd World*
*Grimory Territory*
Haile looked at Michael."Yes, you should feel ashamed of yourself, speaking that hypocrisy around me and great beings like the others at this table, like we are naive children, keep that shit for the mindless humans."He said to him heartlessly, staring into his soul.
The table was silent, Sirzechs wanted to speak and calm it down but he honestly doesn't know what to say for this, this could be a big matter if word got out, alot of faith would be lost for the angels, though they are still mindless believers that would keep it going.
."..Lord Haile...please understand..it's not like this was my desired result, I had no choice, when that child healed that devil with God's gift, it caused a drop of faith by around 15%, usually we would just wipe the memories and insert new ones but news circulated to fast to contain as if pushed by an invisible force, heaven was crumbling and we had to do something, so we changed her gift to a curse and cast her out, if I didn't then we might had lost to much faith and the system of heaven would have collapsed on itself, angels would have died out, the balance of the 3 powers would be broken, possibly sparking a new war, humans who rely on the miracles of "God" would off themselves, everyone would turn to evil when they realized there is no counter force to stop them, I had no choice but to sacrifice that child to stop all of this, she would have also agreed on this don't you think."Michael said softly explaining himself to Haile.
Haile nodded, seems reasonable."Yeah, ok, but you should have just died, you are supposed to be a selfless angel why do you care about surviving by sacrificing your most loyal follower, you have lost big time, but whatever, let's resume."He said calmly, bulshit angels.
Michael sighed, his stomach felt upset, he held his head down not being able to look at anyone in the eye, he now regrets it so much, but, if given the chance he would do it again, there's to much at stake to sacrifice for one follower's life in comparison.
Rossweisse felt bad for this girl, for even a beautiful playboy villain like Lord Haile said she was innocent and kind and felt such anger on her behalf, she as a Valkyrie of justice lossed some respect for the angels and God of Bible.
."Come now, don't let us fall out after coming this far, Haile, the girl is good now isn't she, everyone has hard decisions they have to make, for now let's focus on the bigger picture."Odin spoke to Haile in his rough gravely voice, he understood his anger but now was not the time.
Haile wave his hand dismissing it, it was already in the past and Asia couldn't be happier, but he just hated to hear Michael talk like some selfless advocate of justice after doing something that heinous, basically sending there most virtuous believer to a living hell.
."I can look past it for now, but remember this and live in fear of my wrath, if the day should come that my little Asia grows weary and asked for the destruction of heaven, then prepare to meet your maker."Haile said ruthlessly more serious than ever, he will turn the entire heavenly realm to ashes.
Michael clenched his fist tightly and grit his teeth, he honestly feels bad but it couldn't be helped."It was my decision not all of heaven, why must they all be dragged into it, they are innocent."He said softly, between him and Haile, if they were to fight, he would definitely lose, he has already determined that Haile is stronger than him but he also had trump cards to play, it wouldn't go down easily.
Serafall had a worried look on her face as she listened in to them, having them fighting now is not a good idea.
."So what, they allowed you to do it, so, by default they are guilty, also aren't they four Arch Angels, who also have a say in the decisions that are made, guilty by default, I rest my case."Haile said turning away from him.
Sirzechs looked between them."Is it over now, please save this for afterwards, this is important, we shouldn't have infighting right now, so for now sending someone to cause chaos and infiltrate is terminated, anyone have any suggestions?."He asked looking around, glancing at his fellow Satan who were mostly quiet.
."Yes, first we can draw out a few members of the Khaos Brigade, lead them into a trap, fight them a bit and retreat, but we "send" someone with great stealth abilities to follow them back to there hideout and create from that information a plan for further ambush."Haile said calmly, this was his field, his expertise, no one can get even close.
Everyone responded agreeably, it did sound like a reasonable plan, Ajuka frown."But who will we send in, everyone I know with the greatest stealth skills are unfortunately weak and dealing with this organization we cannot take risk, they may have some strange ability to detect the undetectable, you know some kinda cheat like that."He said making a reasonable argument.
."Don't worry about that part, I can have one of my girls on the job, write down a listing of 5 important must knows so she knows what she is looking for specifically."Haile said casually leaning on the table tapping it lightly with his other hand.
Serafall look curious."Who is this person Darling Haile, is it Sona?."She asked as a bit of worry crept into her voice, that could be dangerous for her.
."Haha what are you worried about, you should know but Sona might actually be even stronger than you."Haile said with a slight chuckle.
Serafall looked surprised but she wasn't shocked, if she was with Haile then she has to have become strong but stronger than her was a surprise, she didn't feel bad though, she felt happy for her sister to have found a good man.
."So, the person who will do it is Tsubaki, once the queen of Sona's peerage, I took out her evil piece and made her Goddess, now she is a forced to be reckoned with."Haile said with a smile, it always feel nice to him when he shows off his beautiful Goddesses.
Ajuka was stumped."What, you can do that, take out the pieces I mean, man...."He said feeling some type of way, it was hard to describe in words just what he was feeling,
."Yes I can, it is quite easy actually, but let's not get into that, so have the list made in three days and I will pass it onto my girl, it will be done in a flash."Haile said confidently as a refreshing smile spread across his face.
His smile instantly changed the overall atmosphere for the better, it was so contagious that even the slightly awkward and uncomfortable Michael felt a sense of relief.
."Hahaha my son Haile, you must really trust and love those girls, you should see the look on your face everytime you mention your Goddesses."Odin spoke with delight as he chuckled amused.
Serafall looked at him with an annoyed pout."*Hmpm* he brightens up when he sees me to you know, not just some Goddess, isn't that so Haile Darling!."She said, then turn to Haile her emotions switch as as did, she almost jumped out her seat in cheerfulness as her smile showed buoyancy.
."Haha, yes you are very right, my love for you is like a tree....".'Still an unmoving..'Haile said and thought as the smile on his face continued.
Serafall on the other hand felt her heart skip a beat."Like a tree, it grows for centuries, awe Darling Haile loves me lots, come for a kiss, moah mooooooah!."She said getting up and jumping over to him, she kissed his face all over, even his eyelids.
Sirzechs and Ajuka palmed their face with a sigh, even though Serafall does good work and can actually be serious when she wants to be but sometimes she can be a handful.
."Alright now Sera, you are still a Satan, look how everyone is watching you, you have to be dignified."Haile said with a smile as he pat her head gently.
Serafall shook her head."Moo I'm very dignified already, and so what I'm strong I can do whatever I want to and no one can stop me."She said cheerfully as a darkness like deep space flashed through her eyes like lightning.
."Is that so?."Haile said with a raised eyebrow, he glanced over Sirzechs and the other Satan's then to Odin who didn't react, he looked at Serafall feeling something suspicious, he used his statistics on her.....
NAME:Serafall Leviathan
TITLE:Satan, Strongest Female Devil, Innocent Monster, War Beast, Kind Hearted, Childlike.
MAGIC RESERVES:Peak, Satan Class
CLASS:High, Satan Class
COMBAT STRENGTH:Peak, Satan Class+
ABILITIES:Ice Forming, Celsius Cross Trigger, Forbidden Move:OZone
TECHNIQUES:Muru Muru Martial Arts
MAGIC SPELLS:Water Magic, Ice Magic, Wind Magic, Fire Magic, Summoning Magic, Teleportation Magic, Hypnosis Magic, Defensive Magic, Security System Magic, Devil Magic,
Haile was mildly surprised.'I suppose to be a Satan you need something special, Sirzechs has his Destruction, That ball bastard has his Absolute Defense and Ajuka has his Supreme Intelligence to create all those gadgets, it would be strange if she wasn't something special as well.'He thought as he looked at the bundle of energy Serafall Leviathan.
."Resuming, Haile I will collect the list from everyone, we can end this here for now and come back went Tsubaki returns with the information, does everyone agree, does anyone have anything to add?."Sirzechs said and asked looking around at everyone.
Looks were shared between each other as everyone was in thought, then Serafall looked like she has an idea, she smile brightly.
."I know, why don't we all create a special force together, all six of us, I have my own forces, I can send in six talented people and we all train them together as a small army, Devils, Angel, Fallen Angels, Asgardian, I don't think it would be the Gods right, anyway, Haile...Mmm by chance do you have any warriors that serve you that is not one of your lovers?."Serafall said then asked Haile with a head tilt as she touched her chin.
Haile rubbed his non-existent beard."Now that you reminded me, I do, but unfortunately they can't be here right now, I have to go quite far to get them."He said with a smile as he glanced at his wrist slightly.
Serafall who was zoned in on him noticed this."Mm is something wrong Haile, did you hurt your wrist?."She asked then immediately realized the bulshit she just uttered and blushed in embarrassment.
."Hahaha no, but that's funny tho, I'm just checking the time."Haile said with a chuckle as he looked up to the cealing.
Everyone in the room looked confused at what he said, suddenly Odin frowned as his wisdom divinity played its part, he felt a disturbance in the magic, as if a thousand asses were grabbed at once.
With destruction and great wind pressure blowing down to the Grimory mansion a massive explosion went off in the distance, but it was so strong it could be felt from awhile away.
Everyone in the room frown glancing at each other, they all then collectively looked at Haile, he was the one who first noticed that something was wrong.
."An uninvited guess had arrived to the underworld and have made a grand stupid entrance it seems, hahaha, why don't we all go take a look."Haile said as he got up in anticipation, he smiled amused.
Everyone nodded, Sirzechs stood seriously, it seems they may have to fight, he put out his hand creating a Teleportation Magic Circle, he froze and looked around at everyone, Serafall, Azazel, Azazel's Vice Governor General Shemhazai, Falbium, Rossweisse a Valkyrie, Odin, Haile and himself.
."*Ahem* I did a little practice yesterday, so I might be a little tired."Sirzechs said calmly as he instantly canceled his magic folding his arms and standing at the side.
Haile shook his head with a smile."Hahaha weak ass, also a pussy, you have it all bad huh haha."He said chuckling, he snapped his fingers creating his own golden Teleportation Magic Circle, but instead of one he created eight individual circles under everyone.
They all looked down stunned into silence, Azazel casually looked at it."Damn monster, can't you leave some of the glory for the rest of us ha."He chuckled not even worrying his head with it anymore.
.""Nope I shall take all for myself hahahaha"".
In the blink of an eyes all 8 of them appeared on a flat landscape of grass, the wind was blowing strong and it was nice and fresh, very relaxing visually, or at least that would have been the case if they weren't standing on a gigantic crater that was still smoking from fresh damage.
."Where is the bad bad boy that come to cause trouble for Magical girl levi-tan!?."Serafall said as she transformed into her magi-girl outfit as she does the peace sign.
Everyone looked around and almost in sync they all looked up to the sky's.
High beyond what a normal eye can see clearly, was a figure floating in hid air, it was a man, not very tall but normal height, he had long blonde hair, dark Grey eyes and a tattoo on his face, he was dress in an imposing looking jewel coated black armor as he stood arrogantly looking down on the 8 people that appeared below him.
."Mm."He looked at Haile focusing on him and a burning hatred caught fire in his eyes."It's you, all your fault, IT'S YOU...HAILE!!!!!!!!."He screamed at the top of his lungs.
His scream generated a huge wind storm that blew the grass on the ground demonstrating his great might.
Serafall widened her eye in surprise and a bit of shock, she looked to Haile."Hey I know him, what happen!?."She exclaimed ignoring his so called "great" power.
."Yes, that is Saji, Sona's former peerage member, a few days ago he betrayed her and ran away, he was in love with her but she wanted me instead so he left with a so called powerful, very handsome being, now it seems he came back for revenge against me."Haile said casually looking at the idiot in the sky.
Everyone sighed all at the same time.'So that's why he said so, it's because of him.'
."So he is a reincarnated devil I suppose Hmm, interesting, what should we do with him?."Ajuka said scratching his head, he had too many idea in his brain palace.
Saji up above frown."Haile, you have ruined my life, I hate you will all that I have, you took everything from me, but don't worry, I will take it all back from you, everything, even your life!."He said shouting as a grin took form on his face, he held out his hand.
In saji's palm a Large Green long sword appeared, it shun brightly as it radiated vicious might like an unhinged Lion."My name is Saji Genshirou, Demon King Of Darkness, Dragon King Of Hells Prison, Black Dragon God King Conqueror Of A World, I shall defeat you here and now, for more than two year I've trained and trained till I almost died, just for this day, I've become a God!!!."Saji said with a profound sense of peace and ease, he look calm and unperturbed.
Odin and Haile shared a glanced and they had a slight eyeball conversation.'Whose going to tell him.'Haile shrugged.'Surely not me.'But he's here for you, I'm just spectating.'Odin eyeballed.'.'Do what, idiot is quite contagious, or so I've heard, I can't afford to be contaminated.'.'*Groan*Man just let him find out on his own, why do you want to help the enemy.'.'I suppose, Alright.'Haile eye balled back.
."Saji, I can't understand how I ruined your life, I've always treated you good, almost like a friend, you betrayed us, you are just a no good traitor."Haile said calmly as he eyed the bastard that he will beat up pretty soon.
Saji clenched his teeth."Ggggg not only once....but twice....you are just a wicked beast that goes around playing with girls hearts, once I'm done with you I will return to take care of those worthless rebels."He said he raised his sword in the air and brought it down casually.
A long thin green slash was released from the tip of his great sword, it was over 50 meters long as it ravaged the ground before it even touched.
Haile and the others simply looked at the slash casually as they easily shook off the pressure from it that tried to lock them in place.
."Valkyrie, take care of this."Odin commanded with a calm majestic continuance.
Rossweisse bowed her head."Yes Lord Odin."She said respectfully, she looked up to the slash and clenched her fist as a light purple aura surrounded it her eyes glint as she punched out."HAAA!".
From her fist the concentrated magic punch shot out like a missile connecting to the slash mid air, they battle as sparks of magic broke off hitting the ground causing some levels of damage.
Almost equal in power they exploded with Magic firework like might.
."Ohh interesting, you managed to defend a casual slash from me, who are you?."Saji said with a raised eyebrow as he came closer to all of them, it was clear he was looking down on everyone there.
Rossweisse stood proudly."I am Rossweisse, Valkyrie Of The Norse God King Odin; malevolent being prepare to be vanquished."She said as she rose up into the air standing on nothing as she glowed a deeper purple.
."Norse, Odin, the Gods, intriguing, alright let me see what you're made of Valkyrie."Saji said with a smirk, he disappeared in a burst of speed as he appeared behind her and swung him sword like it weight nothing.
Rossweisse crouch in mid air easily dodging, she move forward and kicked back at him knocking away the sword almost from his hand as he made a stumble like motion in mid air.
Saji caught his balance, he threw his sword high into the air, Rossweisse eyes Instinctively followed creating an opening for Saji, he moved into her zoned giving her a punch in the stomach.
Rossweisse coughed out some saliva but she smiled, she endured the pain and held his hand tightly, she pulled him to her while kicking out with her full strength.
The kick connected with his chest but it didn't damage him, it only sent through a shock that hurt because of his armor, he held his chest as he raised his hand catching his sword.
."You are better than I thought, but it's time to get serious."Saji said as his eyes glowed."Now feel the power of a God.""Sundered!!!""."He spoke as he slashed his sword creating another green slash, this time much bigger and stronger, it was over 40 Meters tall and 10 meter wide as it cut apart the air.
Rossweisse calmly looked forward, her hair blowing in the wind divinely feminine as stomped on the ground and pulled back her fist, instantly over 20 Magic circles overlapped on her fist.""Malevolence Extinction""."She said swinging with full force.
Her fist connected to it as she clenched her teeth, she felt her hand get cut by it but she held her ground successfully stopping it in its tracks, she stomped the ground again as she used all her might to throw it up in the air.
Everyone looked to the sky as the sword slash was thrown, it exploded like fire works, it was beautiful to say the least.
Rossweisse regained her relaxed posture as she breathed heavily, that did take a bit out of her, that was no joke, if she didn't pull out that move it might have had her.
."No way, how are you so powerful, the Valkyrie are only supposed to be descendants of Gods, why do you posses the power of a God?."Saji said with a bit of shock, she must be the strongest Valkyrie and a unique one, maybe even stronger than the Gods.
Rossweisse was exasperated."You are quite delusional, I kinda feel sorry for hitting a mentally ill person."She said as she went back into stance.
."YOU, alright, just because you touched upon the realm of my power you think you are something special, let me show you!."Saji said angrily a red jewel on his armor shun brightly.
Haile, Odin, Sirzechs, Azazel and Ajuka frowned at this, Haile looked at Rossweisse and shook his head."Guess I'll play with him a bit."He said casually, he took a single step and disappeared into thin air like a hologram.
Saji high up was going into an over drive."Feel my wrath, Dragon King Prison."He said as his frog like sacred gear appeared on his hand.
.""I wouldn't do that if I were you"".
Saji froze as a voice came from behind.'How did be get behind me.'He thought, his body swayed and almost instantly he felt a burning sensation in his spine and his eyes blurred, he caught the figure of Haile at the corner of his eyes smirking.
Saji was sent hurdling to the ground with a kick from Haile, hw hit the ground leaving a crater and cracks for a few more feet, he dropped hard, some of his armor cracked and he cough blood from the impact.
."Oh, you survived, quite a nice armor you have there, I wonder who gave it to you, that person must surely care."Haile said with a smile on his face that could only look beautiful on his face and scary on any other.
Saji struggled to lift his head, he had an assortment of shock, doubt, surprise, worry, disbelief and confusion on his face."Impossible, I'm stronger than you, the Divine Matrix said so, it said I've finally surpassed you after these two years, what is going on?!?!."He said his eyes losing focus on reality.
."Hahahahaha is that what that being told you, how funny you believed it, you can never be as strong as me, ever."Haile said as his eyes chilled, he is the strongest creature to ever walk this universe and will be so to many others.
Saji felt a sense of despair, he looked around at everyone, they were all looking at him like he was some kinda idiot, a fool, he grew embarrassed.
."Now, there is someone that would like to deal with you themselves."Haile said with a smile returning to his face, his eyes glint as a magic circle appeared on the ground infront of saji.
Saji's heart trembled slightly as a figure appeared on the magic circle."....you..."He croaked out in sadness and depression.