×Chapter 211×Supreme God King Vs Taoist God Of Power And Victory


*DxD World*

*Human World*

*Africa*(Middle East)


."Sirzechs Lucifer, are you threatening me?."Hera spoke as her eyes lit up with a red blaze and her aura took physical form around her body like armor."Also, you must be deaf, it's God Empress Hera to you."

.""Come on now my beautiful Empress, don't let yourself be stressed"".

A beautifully calm and soothing voice resounded in the desert as Hera's aura armor melted away, she turned around seeing a familiar strong silhouette."Husband!."She exclaimed with explosive joy as she raced off flying into his arms.

Of course it was Haile, he easily caught Hera accepting her into his embrace as he glanced around with a smile seeing a few familiar faces.

As Haile arrived it drew the attention of all the powerhouses present, whether intentionally or unintentionally, especially the angels, fallen angels and devil's.

Michael's face turn green as he drifted back a bit and hid himself behind Raphael, Haile smirked seeing this but he ignored him for now looking elsewhere.

Sirzechs who was just going strong felt a greater headache incoming as he backed down, he made another grave mistake it seems.

On the Khaos Brigade's side Asia's pupils had expanded and her body was shaking intensely but indecipherable, it also wasn't just her.

Besides her Lavine who had met Haile already was also in a state of shock, she just wanted to rush over and grovel right away but seeing that her leader Asia didn't, she had to retain herself as well.

."~Haile darling, we were just talking about you."Serafall said with a happy smile as she hopped on air over to him, she hugged him into her pillowy mounds.

Haile of course didn't resist she rubbed his face into them a little, he then looked up at her."Hello to you too Sera, sorry I didn't keep contact but I'm back now."He said grabbing her waist and pulling her into his chest.

Serafall instantly felt wet as she stared into his eyes."~Ohh, are we going to do it right here, I will if you want me to~."She said as her pigtail started to wiggle like a tail.

."N-not right now Serafall, *ahem* how can I allow these perverted oldmen to gaze upon your perfect youthful body."Haile said as he leaned down kissing her lips gently.


Asia, Lavine and all the members of the High God Council shielded their eyes with blushing red faces, for the other members they'd heard the rumors but they didn't know their God was so bold.

Azazel gave a nod with a thumbs up to Haile who gave it back without even looking, a little higher in the air someone was looking at Haile with a smirk, he disappeared.



Haile casually out stretched his hand countering this person that dare attack him, the only one that dared while knowing of his power."Happy to see you too brother."He said smiling.

Yes it was his good brother Thor, God of Thunder."Hahaha, you've grown truly strong little brother, I'm really impressed, truly."He said happily withdrawing his fist.

."Of course, I can't stay weak and let you bully me all the time can I."Haile said putting the reluctant Serafall down and giving Thor a big hug, manly of course.

Flying in behind Haile was Sona, Rias, Tsubaki, Akeno, Ciaa, Alavalanch, Crissy, Nalisa and Clernet, Sona already knowing what was about to happen held out her hand.

.""Sona-Channnnn Mmm!!"".

Serafall flew at Sona as well but her face was mushed by her out stretched palm."~Ouchy, Sona is being so mean, why don't you want to accept my delicate love for you~."She saif puckering her lips and kissing at her.

."*Sigh* how are you even a Satan, also don't you already love Haile and even call him your husband."Sona said calmly as she continued to push her sister's face away from her.

Serafall put her hands on her waist proudly as magic sparkles appeared around, her eyes were serious and powerful."Sona, will you marry me as wel-Kyaa!."She said before being bonked on her head by a red face Sona.

."Stop it will you, are you trying to embarrass the devil's, *sigh* what am I going to do with you."Sona said rubbing her temples in internal agony.

Haile and a few of the girls chuckled at them, Yasaka who was a bit away with Nurarihyon just looked on feeling a bit bitter, she too wished she could just drop everything and run over to him as well.

But she can't or at least not yet, in order for her to leave she has to at least train a worthy successor, someone that could not only take over her position but also maintain the leylines of Kyoto.

It will be hard but to her very much worth it, she will though feel bad for pushing the curse on someone else but she'll get over it eventually.

While Haile was talking to all his girls and even catching up with everyone like his buddy in evil Azazel, oldman Odin and Rossweisse making some of the other Valkyries jealous.

He also knew what Asia was trying to do so he didn't bother her but he did send a wink her way almost making her lose her cool.

Also at Yasaka who was looking all disappointed he didn't go to her, he then smirked at Michael again just to make him more nervous, it just felt good seeing that usually unfazed bastard get flustered.

Haile also glanced at Sirzechs who looked away whistling and looked at Grafia who he caught staring at him in a daze, then suddenly out of the blue.

.""Hey, who invited this weakling, *Hmpm* walking out here acting like he owns the place, go back home bumkin"".

From the sky's above, beautiful rainbow clouds formed in the heavens, the sound of Goddesses singing hymns rung out through the land, it was like a phenomenon of the Heavenly way.

Atop this cloud sat a young man on a throne made of this very cloud, long red hair to his back, green eyes like jade, a skin smooth like butter and packed with perfectly shaped muscles.

His eyebrows were sharp like swords as he carried elegants.

He wore a Kung Fu pants and wooden clog slippers, behind him, beside him and infront of him layed out was an array of beautiful Jade Goddesses all for his viewing pleasure.

Haile glanced up at this man raising an eyebrow, he glanced at his brother Thor, Oldman Odin and at Azazel."Who the hell is this?."He asked pointing at the gay dude on a rainbow cloud.

The man on the cloud gained a tic on his forehead as it bulged, he took a breath chuckling to calm himself."Alright, alright, I will be magnanimous and forgive you, just don't let me see you again, scram."He said waving his hand looking at Hera, Serafall, Yasaka and Clernet with a lustful gaze.

Yasaka covered her breast with her hand feeling uncomfortable, she glanced over to Haile, Clernet eyes creased into a frown and Serafall hid behind Sona.

Though the dragons and the other Gods and powerful beings were irked at his disrespectful behavior they didn't say anything to stop him, after all, he was correct in a way, what gave that other fellow the right to be here, they knew nothing of him.

Azazel noticing all of this decided to play the middle man and settle things in an official matter."Haile, this man here is Yùzi, Chinese Taoist God of Power and Victory, also known as son of the late great Heavenly King, The Absolute Ruler of Tao, The Highest Power, Primordial God Jade Emperor."He said with grandeur.

A few people reacted to this, they didn't know he was built like that, now they understood his previous arrogance, it was definitely just confidence.

Yùzi hearing this puffed up his chest proudly feeling even better, he looked at Haile smugly."Now you know who I am, Son of the Most High God, now leave before I take back my propriety."He said, though he wouldn't admit it out loud he was jealous seeing Haile with so many women, so he chose to embarrass him so he could take them for himself.

."This man over here, Is Haile, God King of the Supreme Wing Pantheon he built with his own hands accompanied by his multitude of powerful Goddesses, allied with the Angels of Heaven, Fallen Angels and Devil's of the underworld, Norse Gods of Asgard, Hera the God Empress, Chaos Karma Dragon King Tiamat one of the most powerful beings in the universe, West Youkai leader Yasaka and many more."Azazel said with even greater grandeur just calling out the names that backed Haile, it was probably one of the largest there is.

For a moment there was an absolute silence as Yùzi was stunned into disbelief, his face became warm feeling like he got a slap to it.

Nurarihyon glanced up at Yasaka."You know this fellow, you were holding out on us eh."He said casually as he tapped his finger on his sword he is using as a cane.

."Lord Nurarihyon, I'm just as surprised as you, yes I do know Haile and we are..close, I didn't know he knew so many powerful people either."Yasaka said smiling brightly, she looked back at Haile with a twinkle in her eyes.

The 6 Ancestors Dragon glanced amongst each other hearing Tiamats name being called, now that was some news.

Asia with her group just wanted to jump in and say she has his back as well, with her High God Council she can finally be useful to him, then she could mention the entire Khaos Brigade including Ophis.

Yùzi watched as the tide instantly changed and turned against him, the water is truly fickle indeed."*Hmpm* so what, I can still sense his weakness, you were all tricked, what good is he if he can't do anything without his backing."He said still arrogant.

Sona felt herself getting a headache from being at viewing distance of this idiot floating on the rainbow cloud, it was simply unimaginable.

Haile honestly didn't know what to say to that, he glanced around at his ladies but they all shrugged unable to find an answer as well, so he opted to simply ignoring him.

Yùzi seeing this felt his blood boiling, he glared at one of his Goddesses who frightened quickly got up, she was a red head, her eyes were red, eyebrow and eyelashes were red, she was also dressed in a long red dress and carried a fiery charm.

."You burnt country vagabon, how dare you ignore Young Master Yùzi, Son of the Jade Emperor."The fiery lady spoke with disdain looking down on Haile.

Haile calmly raised his hand drawing a smirk from Yùzi and a frown from the red head, she snorted."*Hmpm* What, have something to say dog, no need to raise your hand, I'm not your mother."She said.

Haile glanced around then looked back at this idiot, she didn't even know that he just saved her and all her people's lives, as soon as the insult of him left her mouth.

From Asia, to Hera, to Rias, to Tsubaki, Sona, Serafall even Clernet and Yasaka, all of the women around him, so much power was just gathered it would've instantly wiped the continent of Africa off the map as collateral.

It probably would have ended the natural world right there and then but the single raise of his hand was its saving grace.

."Hahaha come on Huo nushen, don't make the poor bastard scared, he might shit himself all over this beautiful desert, look, I will allow you to battle me for victory."Yuzi said standing up stretching his body a bit.

Huo pointed at Haile."Congratulations peasant, for you now stand before the King of the Chinese Gods, Yùzi, Taoist God of Power and Victory, stand your ground and fight for victory."She said looking over Haile's head.

Azazel shook his head."Ok, once again I'll play middle man and be referee, Taoist God Yùzi has challenged God King Haile, do you agree."He asked looking at Haile.

."*Sigh* Sure, whatever, I'll just make this quick."Haile said casually as he smiled holding Hera's hand, he could feel her trying to pull away and commit a murder.

Azazel nodded, he then looked at the 6 esteem Ancestor Dragons."Is that alright with you, Ancestors of the Dragon Valley."He said asking them, they were one of the most powerful groups in the universe.

."Graa Graa, go ahead, we allow it."One of the Ancestor Dragons said nodding his head as he growled showing his sharp teeth.

Azazel glanced towards the sky opening his mouth before freezing and nodding his head, he looked at both Haile and Yùzi."Do you two have anything to say to each other?."He asked raising his hand.

Haile shook his head, Yùzi on the other hand grin."Yes, how about a bet."He said with an evil glint in his eyes.

."A bet?."Haile raised an eyebrow.

Yùzi gained a perverted gaze as he looked at Hera beside Haile, he licked his lips."I won't treat you badly, if you win this duel, I will give you Huo, she is the Taoist Goddess of Fire and Magic."He said."Then if I win, I will take that one."

He pointed at Hera, simultaneously all the women were disgusted, Hera herself felt her stomach churn and wanted to vomit at the very thought, she wanted this cockroach to be crushed.

Huo looked at Yùzi with a shocked look of betrayal, how could he just put her up to trade like that, she then looked down with slumped shoulders.'I guess that's all I am to him.'She thought.

."Fine I agree."Hera said with a cold expression, she knew her husband is destined to win no matter what, so why should she be afraid."I guess my husband could welcome a new slave, is she a virgin."

Yuzi sniffled a laugh."Why should that matter, but if that would put your mind at easy when joining me then yes, all these Goddesses you see next to me are all pure Goddesses, to take them before marriage would sully their taste, so come to me without fear."He said spreading his arms out.

."Are you sure about this Hera, you are not just some object to trade you know."Haile said with some hesitation, he will win of course but betting his own woman like a pawn, this is that Rias and Riser situation all over again.

Hera felt a tug at the corner of her mouth as her lips curled up in a smile."I'm glad my husband is so worried about me, but really I'm fine with it, I just want this bug to suffer, would you do that for me."She said putting her arms around his neck gently gazing into his eyes.

Yùzi seeing this got uncomfortable so he looked away, but now he was even more determined to defeat Haile and get Hera, he'd also heard of her, Goddess of marriage, one of the most beautiful women in the entire universe.

."Ok, I will beat up this big mouth fellowett for you Hera."Haile said with a sigh, he was not feeling good about this, he looked at Yùzi and his eyes glowed golden."God of Power and Victory are you, you will suffer for making me angry."

Yùzi sat down again as his green jade eyes glowed brightly."Then come, see if you shall leave with your head, hahahahahahah."He said with a powerful green aura.


Haile disappeared in a golden flash, Yùzi remaining calm glancing around with lazer focus, then punched out to a seemingly random location with confidence.



Like a shockwave of lightning and thunder Haile and Yùzi's fist connect creating a storm of wind in the desert, the leaders quickly put up a barrier to protect their people.

Yùzi had a grin on his face as Haile stood right before him, their fist still clashing in an exchange of pure strength."Good, good, very good, but if you think this will be enough to defeat me, you don't understand the immensity of heaven and EARTH HAAA!."He said adding more power.



To the surprise of everyone that knew Haile he was pushed back a bit almost stepping off the cloud, but all the women around him still remained serene, infact some of them were smiling.

Haile stepped back again floating on air as he placed his arms behind his back."You do have some strength to back up your words, too bad you're facing me."He said letting his teeth show, they almost seemed longer than before.

."Glad you're finally seeing the difference between heaven and earth, I hate bullying the weak so I'll make this quick."Yùzi said standing up again, he did four hand signs.""Kai, Don, Fi, Kai"".""Storm Dragon God Destroying The Moon"".


With a mighty roar that shook the land an ethereal silver dragon appear behind Yuzi, it encircled his body as though protecting him, it's silver eyes glowed as they looked down on the world.

Everyone could feel the pressure radiating off this dragon it was so great that the surrounding area was warping from its very presence.

Up above the 6 Ancestor Dragon snorted at the sight of this silver one."We've already warned that brat, he just doesn't listen does he."One of them grumbled under their breath.

."Tremble in awe, this is the familiar Dragon God create by my father the Jade Emperor, it's much weaker with me using it but a starving camel is still bigger than a horse."Yùzi said confidently.

Yuzi sighed with pity."If only you were born into higher power you might have been stronger, the heavens are merciless but such is fate."He said shaking his head then his gaze sharpened.

."Hey, why are you talking like that, it's throwing me off a bit, this is just like that, like that..."Haile said remembering something.'Oh yeah, it was the young master thing, in those cultivation what-not, Mm don't I also have a spell like that?.'

Yùzi's face twisted in anger feeling disrespected."How dare you, this is the profound dialet of the Taoist Gods of China, I wanted to be fair but you continue to court death."He said pointing at Haile.


The Silver Dragon God roared to the moon and flew to Haile who stood his ground."You think this is enough to stop me, my Supreme General Fist is unparalleled in heaven and earth."Haile said with his eyebrows squeezed together tightly.

Yùzi was confused as hell, but then he heard a round of laugher erupt from Azazel and a few others and instantly realized, his face turned green."How dare you mock me, good, very good."He said channeling more power into his Dragon.

.""Supreme General Fist!"".


Haile's fist connected with the head of the Dragon halting it in its tracks, then with a giant shattering sound cracks formed on the familiar Dragon God and it broke disappearing in the wind.

Yùzi's jaws dropped to the ground as he stood in shock."M-my Dragon God!."He screamed holding his head, his knees became weak as he knelt.

.""Young Master Yùzi!"".

All the Chinese Goddesses besides Huo quickly came to his aid, it seems like the shock was more than he could handle.

Haile looked at the scale in his hand then at Yùzi, he smirked deviously, he stepped on the cloud walking up to him."My bad, sorry senior, I broke your Dragon God."He said holding the scale out to him."Man, I didn't even get to show you my unpredictable, unprecedented, invincible, heaven shattering, earth breaking technique I've been working on for the last 3 minutes."

Yùzi looked up at Haile as his vision blurred, he felt something rising in his throat, it was hot and violent."You, you, you, you *puh*."He vomited blood like a fountain.

."Hahahahahaha!."Haile bellowed out in laughter, he haven't had a good laugh in a long time, maybe he really was a sadistic bastard."