Chapter 06 – The Morning After

Waking up the next morning, I could feel a soft and warm weight resting on my chest. Opening my eyes, I was greeted by the sight of Wanda's sleeping form drapped over my body. Her face adorned with a gentle and relaxed smile, as slept peacefully.

My confusion and surprise vanished a moment later, as I recalled the happenings of last night.

I now realised that I had been in shock after the massacre I caused, but that shock had worn off after this night of rest. I didn't feel this overwhelming guilt and disgust any longer. There was just a small shadow in my mind, like a taint on my innocence. I had chosen my targets well and now after a night of rest the guilt had vanished entirely.

I had dealt no deserved punishment, I had simply killed a bunch of criminals in cold-blood. That was all there was to that. I had no moral highground to stand on.

Power had decided their fate. Mine was greater, so they were eliminated.

The things that had happened between Wanda and me last night were a different story alltogether.

Having been able to tell her the truth, had lifted a huge weight of my shoulders, as I hated having to keep something from her. Still, I had done more than just tell her the truth.

We had slept together. I tried to feel guilt or remorse for what we had done, but I couldn't.

I loved her.

I didn't care about the morality of our actions. The Silver-part of me refusing to let the rules set down by others dictate my life and interferring with my happiness.

Though I was anxious for Wanda's reaction and I hoped she wouldn't regret what we had done. If she did, it would probably destroy me.

Wrapping my arms around her waist, I carressed her back. Brushing over the smooth skin on her sides and back. Enjoying the way her weight pressed onto my frame.

I just laid there for some time, basking in this momentary happiness and remembering this moment. Brushing back a few strand of hair from her face, I lightly carressed her cheek. Burning the sight of it into every fiber of my being, while I whispered.

"I love you, Wanda Maximoff."

This was the moment I realized that she had been awake all along, as she opened her beautiful eyes in that instant.

Lifting up her head from my chest, she moved up a bit and put her forhead against mine, replying quietly.

"I love you too."

Before pressing her soft lips onto mine, kissing me gently and washing away all my anxiety.

We didn't speak a word for the next hour or so, indulging in slow and gentle love-making.

Even during the short morning shower we did not stop our actions. The feeling of her soft body pressed against mine, while her front was pressed against the shower wall, was simply incredible.

Her face tilted sideways, so she could reach my neck with her lips, as I sucked and bit on the skin of her shoulders. The slight pain, just heightening the pleasure she felt, as I lifted her up and sheathed myself inside her again and again.

Her sweet and breathless moans echoing in my ears, giving me all the motivation I needed to continue.

After leaving the shower and wrapping a towel around ourselves, we looked at our reflection in the bathroom mirror.

I stood behind Wanda, my arms wrapped around her waist and shoulders, pressing her against me. One of her hands rested on my arm around her waist, while the other touched the love marks on her neck and shoulder I left behind. A content smile on her face.

"What now?" She asked, while laying her head back against my chest and gazing up at me with an affectionate and vulnerable look in her eyes.

This was the moment, that we both realised how possessive I truly was, as I reflexively answered.

"Now, you are mine."

Though judging by the smile that blossomed on the Wanda's face, she didn't mind one bit. Her reply coming only a moment later.

"And you, mine."

The rest of the morning we spent getting dressed and eating breakfeast, all the while being very handsy with each other. Barely able to keep our hands to ourselves.

Halfway through breakfeast, which we ate with her sitting on my lap, I couldn't take it anymore and directly used my Superspeed to clean up the table. Before disengaging my Speed-Mode and lifting her on the table.

What followed was a passionate, near primal lovemaking. The way she arched her body, which was glistening with sweat, the sweet cries of pleasure leaving from behind her full lips and her eyes glowing with love and desire. I was sure that I would never forget these even in a thousand years.

In the afterglow of our union, I moved us to my bed, where we just enjoyed each others presence and warmth.

A while later, I went and fetched the bag from last night's heist.

Sitting myself back on the sheets, wearing nothing but my pajama pants, I opened the bag.

Wanda sat up beside me with sheets wrapped around her naked form and asked.

"What's that?"

"It's the content of the gangleader's safe I killed last night.", I replied.

Placing her hand on my arm, Wanda asked hestitantly with worry lacing her words.

"Are you allright? Last night, you... you seemed beside yourself."

"I am. It was just the shock. I didn't hurt any innocent people last night. There is no reason to feel guilty over the deaths of these people. But thank you for taking care of me.", I answered honestly, taking her hand and kissing inside of her palm, before refocusing my attention back onto the bag.

Emptying the contents onto the bed, I seperated them into two piles. One pile was just stacks of money, gems and jewelry. The other pile was basically just documents and notebooks.

Wanda, who had at this point put on a sweater of mine to cover her nakedness, was shocked at the amount of wealth she saw.

"How much is that?", she asked.

"I don't know, but I would estimate around 350 thousand Euros, excluding the gems and jewelry. Enough for us to live comfortably for a few years. Though I am more interested in these documents."

"...350 thousand... huh... That is a lot of money... And what's with the documents?"

"Well if I am right, they contain the information to several bank accounts, where the boss had stashed his money. I would guess that to be way more than 350 thousand, though it will take some time to get a hold of that money. There are also a lot of contacts in these books, that might come in handy in the future.", I answered, while browsing through the books and documents.

Wanda interrupted my scrolling, by grabbing both of my hands and making me look up at her, as she asked me in a serious tone.

"What is gonna happen now, brother? What is it that you plan?"

Thinking for a moment, I answered.

"The visions I had, they showed me a part of the future. An uncertain and dangerous future. When that time comes, I want us to be prepared and able to protect ourselves. Not just waiting for the bomb to go off until someone saves us. This time I-, no, we will save ourselves, Wanda. And this money is the first step towards that goal."

Swallowing hard at the memory my words made her recall, it took Wanda a moment before she could reply.

"And what is the next step?"

"Getting our own place. I need a place where I can train my abilities, and you yours."

"Mine? What are you talking about, Pietro?", Wanda questioned surprised.

"I saw it, Wanda. Your power, it was different than mine, but no less powerful. It lies within you, it always did. We just need to find a way for you to access it."

"I don't know, Pietro. How do you know that what you saw was the truth? Maybe it was just a fever dream?", she asked doubtfully.

"Do you trust me, Wanda?", I asked in a low voice.

Surprised by this question, she replied hurriedly.

"Of course, I do. With my life."

"Then that will have to be enough for now. You will see the truth yourself in the future. I promise."

Saying so, I leaned forward and reinforced my point, while pressing my lips against hers.