Chapter 23 – A Short Moment Of Power

[A/N: Surprise chapter, because I am happy about my progress with the X-Men Crossover, of which there are currently more then ten advanced chapters on me p@treon, but enough of that.

In this chapter the long awaited action takes place and Wanda shows how far she has come!

So, I hope you all savour this chapter, as we are closing in on the Avengers plot fast! A meeting with Director Fury will happen very soon(in two chapters), so that is also something to look forward to!

Anyway, enjoy the story!]

[2011 – September]

As Wanda stared down from her position in the sky at the Grayburn College Biology Faculty Building and saw the Abomination bursting through the wall, she knew that it was time for her to do what her brother had asked of her.

Floating down and entering through the hole in the wall, she appeared in the office/laboratory of one Doctor Samuel Sterns. Feeling an unfamiliar presence with her telepathy, she walked towards it and found the doctor slowly rising to his feet.

Dr. Sterns had clearly already been infected by Banner's blood, as his head was shaped grotesquely to accommodate his mutated and enlargened brain.

"Who ar-?"

Not letting the doctor finish his sentence, Wanda directly tapped his forehead with her finger using her magic to find the information that she wanted in his mind.

Breaking the connection, as she had found what she needed, she used her telekinetic powers on a nearby shard of glass and directly used it to pierce through Sterns's skull.

A man, that willingly created an abomination to satisfy his scientific curiosity, was no doubt not an innocent man and she felt no remorse in taking his life. Her brother's lesson about mercy and ruthlessness clearly ingrained in her mind.

Wanda approached a nearby computer and after finding an empty spot, stuck in the flash drive Pietro had given her.

"SILVER search for any data about Dr. Sterns research and experiments. Copy it and delete the data from the servers.", Wanda tasked SILVER in a calm tone.

"Yes, mother.", her child-like voice replied over the earpiece Wanda had put in.

Feeling the approach of a slightly familiar appearance from behind her, Wanda turned around slowly while saying.

"I don't think you should do this, Agent Romanoff.", she said calmly, while looking at the SHIELD-Agent, who had pointed her gun at Wanda's chest.

"I won't, if you surrender peacefully, Miss Maximoff.", Natasha replied visibly tense, as her finger laid on the trigger, ready to fire at any given moment.

Wanda's attire was the same, that she had worn, when they had met Tony Stark in his mansion.

She wore a long hooded cloak that reached her ankles and under the cloak some tight fitting black leggings and a wine-coloured skin-tight long-sleeved shirt. She also wore a pair of boots that reached just above her ankles, which had the same colour as her shirt, while the lower part of her face was covered with her simple black mask.

"Well then. What follows next will be on you, Agent.", Wanda stated calmly, before moving with supershuman speed and approaching Natasha.

Natasha directly fired several bullets reflexively, as soon as she saw the movement. Sadly for her, the bullets just bounced off of Wanda's cloak, as if they were made from rubber.

Wanda's cloak, along with the rest of her attire was made from Vibranium, so normal bullets were practically useless against her. Her love had insisted on her wearing these, as she was admittedly very vulnerable against physical attacks, despite her enormous magical abilities.

A moment later she appeared before the Black Widow and grasped her throat tightly. Natasha couldn't even try and get out of the hold, before Wanda's red mist-like energy had already infiltrated her body and mind.

Letting go of the SHIELD-Agent, Wanda watched as Agent Romanoff just put away her gun and left the laboratory. Wanda had manipulated her to leave the building at once.

She didn't even have to touch someone to manipulate their mind, but through skin contact her manipulation simply was more effective and took a better hold. And the simpler the order the easier it was to manipulate a target.

"I have completed the task, mother. All the data is copied and deleted from the server.", SILVER informed her.

"Good job, SILVER. If you want, I will play you a few songs as a reward tomorrow?", Wanda praised.

"Yes, mother.", SILVER replied happily.

Grabbing the flash drive and putting it back into her pocket, Wanda walked towards the room were the doctor had kept all the blood samples.

Drawing some magic to her hands, Wanda concentrated for a moment. Suddenly the red mist-like energy turned into a pure scarlet flame, making a smile of satisfaction appear on Wanda's face.

Unleashing the magic flame onto her surroundings, Wanda took care to burn all the bloodsamples and the carcasses of some dead experimental subjects.

Pietro had been right in asking her to do this, as she also thought that the US Military was the last one that should be getting their hands on such a thing. It was pretty much the same with the Iron Man Armor, though this blood was definitely more dangerous. Destroying it was the smart choice as Wanda saw it.

Seeing the flames engulf the whole floor, Wanda knew it was time for her to leave. Approaching the hole in the wall left by Abomination, she simply took to the sky, a telekinetic shield around her to keep her safe from any possible attack.

Though it proved unnecessary as nobody tried to attack her, even though she was sure some of the soldiers looking at the building saw her leave through the hole. Wanda even saw Agent Romanoff gazing at her with a venomous glare. Apparently she had already broken out of her trance after fulfilling the order given to her.

While flying towards the direction she felt Pietro being at, Wanda wondered if he had already dealt with Abomination as he had planned.

As Abomination, formerly called Emil Blonsky, broke through the wall and jumped down into the alley next to the faculty building, he couldn't help but grin in satisfaction.

The days where he woke up with aching joints and sore muscles were over, his age no longer a hindrance for his physical capabilities. The blood transfusion had given him a chance to be reborn into something more than a human.

The strength that now coursed through his veins felt simply god-like and he couldn't wait to show the world what true power looked like.

As he rounded the corner into another alley, Abomination saw a police car parked before him. He didn't even hestitate, as he simply grabbed it and threw it around like a toy, showing absolutely no regard for the two officers still inside the vehicle.

His rationality replaced by the urge to fight and destroy.

Hearing and seeing the bustling roads of Harlem at the end of the alley, Abomination knew what his next move had to be.

Heading towards the entrance of the alley, Abomination wondered about the Hulk. Maybe if he spread enough death and destruction the general might be willing to send in the green titan.

What a glorious fight that would be, one he would undoubtedly win now that they finally played on an even field. And as his mind settled on an even more violent path, his lips quirked into an utterly sadistic smirk.

Approaching the end of the alley, Abomination noticed a man standing in his way and promptly decided on his first victim.

As he arrived before him like a behemoth of muscles and sharp bone spikes, his arm was already swinging at the man, ready to smash him into a nearby wall.

Looking down into the man's face, expecting to see fear and dread, the only thing he saw were crystal eyes staring back at him with a frosty calm, that normally would have made his instincts scream at him in danger.

Sadly for Abomination, his mind was so clouded by his newly-found strength and the urge for violence that his instincts were buried beneath them.

A moment later this ignorance would prove to be a grave mistake.

Instead of feeling the man's ribcage being crushed by his blow, Abomination felt a overwhelming and searing agony from his knees and directly crashed into the sidewalk.

"ARRGHH!", Abomination cried out in incredible pain.

Supporting his huge spiked body with his arms, he ignored the screaming and panicking crowd. Turning back his head, he realized both his legs had simply been cut off right at his knee joints.

And the man that should have been crushed to death, was standing there. A black mask covering the lower part of his face, his crystal eyes staring at him with the same icy serenity and an abyss-black long spear in his right hand. The dark-violet veins on the blade of the spear were glowing with an intense blue light that illuminated his masked face, giving his neatly braided ash-blonde hair a touch of silver.

The fog of violence and destruction that had coulded Abomination's mind directly vanished at the immense pain he felt from his legs being cut off.

Still, that didn't mean that he reacted calmly, on the contrary. Fueled by this pain, rage awakened inside of Abomination and the only thing he wanted to do was inflict pain on the man that had wounded him.

With a scream of wrath, Abomination grabbed a nearby lamppost and tried to swing it at the spear-wielding man.

He failed. And the next thing he sensed was the same pain from his cut-off legs, coming from his shoulder joint, as his arm fell on the pavement next to his colossal form.


His scream of agony was loud enough to shatter nearby windows, while the surrounding people also took to the distance in fear. Most of them were doing so with with burst eardrums.

Holding his shoulder in excrutiating pain, Abomination's mind finally cleared as rationality returned to his mind. No longer was he controlled by the urge to destroy and kill, now only one feeling spread through his mind – fear.

Lying on the pavement with only one of his limbs remaining intact, Blonsky turned his abominable visage towards the spearman on his right.

"What are you?", Blonsky managed to croak out with a deep rumble.

Blonsky simply couldn't believe that a normal human would be able to do such a thing to him, not after he had gained such mountainous strength.

Spinning his spear around in one hand, the man didn't answer as he stepped closer and approached his head.

Knowing to be hopelessly outmatched, Blonsky knew he had to rely on the moment of surprise to survive and planned to wait for the man to approach. And when he was close enough, use his remaining arm to gr-

Abominations train of thought was for naught though, as he couldn't even finish his next thought. Unable to react, before a spear with a glowing blue edge directly pierced through his skull.