If not for her baby daddy

Zach could not believe it. She was real, in his arms, balling her eyes out, but she was still there with him. Live in the flesh. He closed his eyes when he felt them sting with tears. He could not believe it.

He continued to pat her head as she cried in his arms. If not for Amy falling asleep before terminating their connection, he would not have been awoken by the sound of her having a nightmare, and worse yet, ending up with a medical emergency. God! He didn't want to think about the worst that could have happened had she been all alone. And she passed out while he was getting help.

He tightened his hold on her not wanting a piece of her to disappear. He really meant it. He's not going anywhere nor will he let her out of his sight.

"Zachery", she sobbed in his chest.

"Yes baby", he gently answered, like he always does.