Getting answers

Amy had on a dreamy expression as she stared at the ceiling. She slowly run her fingers on her lips. Zach had just kissed those lips. She could still feel his lips against hers even though he was no longer kissing her. And, he had dry humped her.

She could feel that thing hitting her even with their clothes on. It brought back memories to the night they spent. It was as huge as she felt it earlier. Her face heated up from such a thought.

The sound of the shower running caught her attention. Zach was currently washing up and taking care of his 'problem'. It had been a while since she saw that 'problem'. She could sneak up on him and peek while he's showering.

'What a pervert!' she scolded herself.

She let out a deep breath and brushed off the insane thought.

'1 sheep, 2 sheep, 3 sheep.....', she mentally counted trying to keep her thoughts from straying to the naughty.