Amy's consideration, Zach's perception

"Conducting a polypectomy on pregnant women is highly discouraged because it means a possible miscarriage in most cases but", Suzy clicked her computer mouse before turning the monitor towards the couple in her office.

She took a pen to use to point at the image displayed as she spoke. "Your case was different, the polyps grew over here and had burst resulting in the bleeding, all I needed to do was finish the job. Now looking at your results", she clicked the mouse once more and a new image came up. "The baby is doing well and your cervix is healing just fine. As long as you stay away from intercourse, you should be fine in a week and a few days but not later than two weeks."

Amy breathed out a sigh of relief. Zach, who was holding her hand, squeezed it and she gave him a smile. He, too, had been nervous. He had been made to wait outside while Suzy examined Amy. With this thought, Amy thought of something.

"Um, can we have a scan of the baby?" She asked.