Nora is the bigger weirdo

Nora gatherered her things and opened the door to get out. The door got stuck when it was opened half way. She looked up and saw a gruff looking man. Her brows furrowed in confusion. Through her calm demeanor, she was still anxious underneath.

"Are you going to get your hands off or should I do it for you?" She threw him a challenging gaze.

She looked so serious and her glare was intense it would scare anything in her path but the man before her wasn't anything as simple. A sheepish smile that made his eyes reduce into slits appeared. Nora's face contorted into disgust as she was creeped out by him.

"My bad!" He let go of the door before an unnatural laugh erupted from his mouth.

Her brows furrowed as she got out of the car. 'He won't stab me or anything, right?' she mused as she glanced around before spotting a camera outside the library. She relaxed as she closed the door and turned her attention to the man.

"Yes?" She asked.