Amy's jealousy

Steam rose from a pot of soup. A hand stirred the contents with a wooden spoon. Amy felt her mouth water when the pleasant aroma wafted to her nose. She was currently sitting on a stool around the kitchen counter supervising Zach's cooking. 

"Sweetheart, come taste this", he slightly turned to look at her when he spoke.

She snapped out of her reverie when he spoke and immediately moved to him. Even in an apron and just from his back alone, she could not help but drool over him. He was definitely the type to look good even in rugs.

Zach smiled at her when she stood next to him. She had tied her hair in a messy bun and wore a stretchy jumpsuit with house slippers. The only makeup she had on was a coat of mascara and lip moisturizer. She was just effortlessly beautiful....