Learning about Zach's life and family

"What's going on with everyone?" She asked. "And why do you guys address your dad by his name?"

"It's a long story", he warned as he picked up her other hand and played with her fingers.

She nodded at him, giving him a go ahead. He hummed in thought before he settled on where to start.

"My Dad hasn't always been present in our lives for as long as I can remember. He tried, but juggling between running the company, being an agent, and having a family wasn't as easy. We never knew who he was and thought he was just busy with business matters. But he tried, he was close to us but more with Xavier.

"Later on, things changed for the worst. A partner of his, a woman, made things difficult for my mother because of her crush on him. She took advantage of the fact that Mom didn't know about his other life and taunted her.